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Hi, I'm Olga Peters

Уцьому розділі, портфоліо, я хочу розповісти вам дещо про себе, про мою роботу, інтереси та цінності.

 I was born in Russia, grew up in Ukraine, my ancestors were of different nationalities, including Germans, Russians, Belorussians and Jews. My husband has both Ukrainian, Russian and Polish branches on his family tree. So, should one be surprised to learn that I chose English as my future profession once?


And I must say I have never regretted that. I can be dissatisfied with the frames I am put in, with my salary (comparing it to the prices), but never with the fact that I have learned and am now teaching English. I like to come to school, especially after a long holiday, to meet my pupils, to watch how they grow up. But perhaps my most favourite moments are those when my younger students run up to me from the most far away corner of the school yard or a corridor shouting, "Hello, Olga Victorovna!" It seems to me that in such moments I begin to melt...

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